Saturday, August 31, 2019

China and Western Religious Beliefs Essay

In the early human social, Religious includes world explanation, judicial, moral cultivation and mental comfort, and other functions. In modern society, science and judicial have separated from some religious, but the moral training and mental comfort function will continue to exist. Religion’s belief systems and social groups are an important part of human thought culture and social form. 1.1 The History of Christianity The History of Christianity is the study of the religion started by a Jewish prophet from Nazareth named Jesus. Christianity would grow into one of the world’s major religions, impacting all other religions and changing the course of human history. Christian history mainly concerns the Christian religion and Church, up to contemporary times and denominations. Christianity differs most significantly from the other Abrahamic religions in its claim that Jesus Christ is God the Son. The vast majority of Christians believe in a triune God consisting of three unified and distinct persons: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Throughout its history, the religion has weathered schisms and theological disputes that have resulted in many distinct churches. The largest branches of Christianity are the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Protestant Churches. Christianity began spreading initially from Jerusalem, and then throughout the Near East, ultimately becoming the state religion of Armenia in 301 , of Ethiopia in 325,of Georgia in 337, and then the State church of the Roman Empire in 380. Becoming common to all of Europe in the Middle Ages, it expanded throughout the world during Europe’s Age of Exploration. Christianity has thus become the world’s largest religion. 1.2 The History of china religious Confucianism, also known as Confucianism, the Confucian doctrine, otherwise known as Confucianism, but does not refer to religion. Confucius as the master of Confucianism, so there is called Confucianis. Confucian classics formed in times of Confucius, but in different age the interpretation of Confucian classics are very different, so it is difficult get a comprehensive define to the Confucian. Essence of Confucianism can be said of social ethics and social management, ethics, or religious interpretation, but not the religion. Ming and Qing dynasties look the Neo-Confucianism that formed in Song Dynasty as official theory so the Neo-Confucianism has spread as mainstream of Confucianism. Comparison between Chinese and English religious beliefs 2.1 The Similarities They have the same background, the Christian was created When the Jews were ruled by The Roman Empire, Jews look forward to a person just like the farseer said who can take them moving towards freedom. While China, Confucianism and Taoism are created when the people were suffering in pain during the Warring States period, 2.2 The Differences 1. Separation of Man and God in Western religions and unity of that in China original sin is the foundation of Christian theory and practice . Because human ancestors, Adam and eva had sinned, corrupt moral invaded their body, and Transmitted to their descendants, the result is men are guilty, all mankind have sin. because of this people are bound to die, and will were punished in all their life. We can see from the original sin all things of Christianity are classified into two worlds: the human world and God’s world. Person’s world is a world separated from God, and human’s world depends on God’s world, so everything is the communication between the two worlds and its results. Obviously, Christianity preached that man and God, the separation of man and nature. While Chinese religion would emphasize that the harmony between man and nature, issues of life within a confined themselves, to solve problems with people- oriented. 2. Monotheism of western religions and pluralism of China religions Christianity is a strictly monotheistic, think that there only have one master of the universe that is God. According to predetermined level of order and purpose God arrange things of the universe. God as God, but also the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Starting this belief, the Christian establish a complete doctrine including Doctrine of God, creationism, human nature, original sin of Christ on, Salvation. Understanding the knowledge and stories of â€Å"Bible† is a very important part of the western cultural training. Therefore after the formation of Christianity it gradually established a fixed, unified values ​​and outlook on life. Those are met with the religious teaching, whether the regulation or the modern thoughts can not be divorced from the relationship with this religious. In practice, Christianity also starting from system to establish unified church organization such as church in urban and rural areas for christians to pray. China’s religious has given people great freedom, so that people can hold religious sentiment in their hearts. Therefore, the God most Chinese people worship is not uniform. Most Chinese people do not belong to a religious organization, however, are more or less exist a unified spirit from Confucianism Buddhism and Taoism. The religious traditions in China, Confucianism has constituted the soul of Chinese culture in the long course of historical development. Many thinkers and politicians in China are based on the Confucian sense of responsibility to pursue truth, to maintain the orthodox and the implementation of reforms. On the other hand, in addition to Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, the Chinese folk religion and worship of God is also very much prosperity and universal, various gods are the object that believers worship incense. the strong contrast between the conceptual life and practical life resulted in the loss of religious values ​​and alienation in China, and also led to the emergence and spread of a variety of primitive superstitious beliefs and event. It caused abnormal development of the spiritual life, so that a heavy burden put on the reality of Chinese culture, many people have a spiritual emptiness

Friday, August 30, 2019

Victorian Era Consciousness

How would you describe the consciousness of the Victorian Age? Think about their perception of their place in the world. The consciousness of society in the Victorian age is an interesting factor that greatly changed and evolved during the time period. The era’s beginning and end is marked by the birth and death of the reigning monarch of the time, Queen Victoria, spanning from 1837 to the early 1900s. With the effects of the Industrial Revolution distinctly felt by all classes within society, it was a time of significant social reformation and drastic change in all aspects of life, and in short was a diverse and complex though tremendously exciting period for those who were living in it. As a result of such rapid growth, expansion and change, it is only natural that there was widespread excitement and perhaps apprehension at the same time. A new world was being created away from the manual driven labour of the old, and one of steam power and coal was emerging, of urbanisation and industrialisation. This constantly transforming and thriving world to the people at the time must’ve been overwhelming and thrilling, as they gained a realisation that all aspects of their lives were becoming influenced in some way or other by the increasingly advanced technologies and innovation. As a result, there was a great influx of population from the countryside to the city, with the realisation that there was a quickly approaching transition away from an agricultural-based economy towards machine-based manufacturing. However there must’ve been a great deal of anxiety and people may well have been wary towards the great changes that were happening around them. There would’ve been a growing new consciousness as society had to perceive the world in a different way than they previously had in order to ‘keep up with the times. As one tiny pebble when thrown into a pond causes consequent ripples to spread throughout the surface, the Victorian Age was like a pond where a great many pebbles were being thrown into. As a result, their way of thinking and apprehending the constantly developing world around them had to be open-minded in the sense that they had to be prepared for more surprises. They had to become receptive to things previously thought impossibl e or perhaps not even imagined at all which came to life- it was supposed to be a new Golden Age and indeed it was. However, the Victorian Age also had its dark side- the side of child labour, devastating unemployment, opium and prostitution. Nothing was certain anymore and with the modernism movement arising towards the end of the 19th century, people began to question many values and concepts that had before been unarguably taken for granted and accepted within society. With the rejection of established patterns of thought, a new consciousness arose where old traditions and customs were critically examined and people realised they had more freedom of thought than ever.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A review of the goals of conventions and principles related to the rights of children Essay

Numerous conventions and principles on the rights of the child, including the United Nations Convention of 1989 on the Rights of the Child, the United Nation`s Guidelines and Principles on Children Associated with Armed Groups or Armed Forces adopted in February 2007 (UNICEF), and resolution 64/290 of 2010 on the right of children to education in emergency situations, have been passed to protect children and safeguard their interests (General Assembly of the United Nations, 2010). Similarly, the general comment number 14 of 2013 of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child states that the best interest of a child should always be given the primary consideration (UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, 2013, p. 4). Despite the fact that plight of refugee children has caught the attention of the international community, many refugee children still lack access to basic education. The projections by the United Nations indicate that approximately one billion children live in areas affected by conflicts, with nearly 250 million being below 5 years of age and being deprived of their basic right to education, with about 65 million children between the ages of 3 and 15 being severely affected by prolonged crises and emergencies, which puts at risk their access to education, and with nearly 37 million children being forced out of primary or lower secondary schools due to crises in their countries. Furthermore, statistics show that about 50% of the globe`s out-of-school children are in areas prone to conflict. Child refugees number about 10 million globally, and an estimated 19 million children across the world have been displaced in their home countries as a result of conflict (Nikolau, 2016). Access to education is an essential human right and the right of each child and a prerequisite for him or her to enjoy all other economic, social, political, and cultural rights. Evidently, education lays the foundation for responsible citizenship, contributes to social, political, economic, and gender equality, empowers the girl child and women professionally, socially, and culturally, and helps to reduce violence against girls and women. Furthermore, education plays a significant role in achieving integration in the society and improving the living standards among children with disabilities and those with special education needs, who see their already dwindling prospects reduce even further in conflict-affected regions (Dryden-Peterson, 2011, p. 42). Although progress has been made in the developing countries concerning primary education, which is a fundamental right that all governments have pledged to provide under the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, this opportunity remains unachievable for millions of refugee children. More than 50% of the 65.3 million people who have been forcefully displaced, among whom 21.3 million are refugees, are below 18 years of age (UNHCR, 2016). The continuing persecution and conflict force an average of 34,000 people per day to leave their homeland and seek refuge elsewhere, either within their home countries or in foreign states (UNHCR, 2016). Due to the large number of refugees entering their boarders, the developing economies continue to host about 86% of the world`s refugee and displaced population regardless of the lack of sufficient financial resources and infrastructure required, including access to food, water, shelter, and clothing (UNHCR, 2016). In contexts where children are forced to flee from conflict, education is often regarded as a luxury and not considered as a priority to children displaced by conflict. Therefore, delegates from across the globe are being called to Geneva, Switzerland, to determine what should be done to ensure that refugee children have access to basic education. Leaders from both the developed and developing world have already agreed that more should be done to safeguard the interests of refugee children. In this regard, a number of questions will need to be answered during the conference including the role of industrialized economies in supporting the needs of refugee children and how the UNHCR, UN, and its humanitarian agencies can progressively incorporate education and protection of refugee children in their emergency response cycles. Delegates may also choose to increase their proportion of humanitarian funding dedicated to education in conflict regions; however, this should not be done at the expense of the refugees` other primary needs. Questions to Be Considered Which countries or agencies should be responsible for providing educational expertise in refugee education? How can developed countries assist host nations to ensure adequate funding and staffing for schools and hence access to quality education by all refugee children? Should developed countries and developing nations host a proportionate share of refugee population to avoid overburdening developing nations? 4. Should the same basic education curriculum in host countries be used for educating refugee children? Given that the host countries often fail to monitor the quality and safety of the education of the refugee children, which agency or organization should be charged with this responsibility? References Dryden-Peterson, S. (2011). Refugee education: A global review. UNHCR. Retrieved from General Assembly of the United Nations. (2010). Resolutions. Retrieved from Nikolau, L.(2016). Getting 5 million refugee children into school must be ‘highest priority,’ advocates say. Humanosphere. Retrieved from UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. (2013, July 4). Convention on the Rights of the Child. CRC /C/ISR/CO/2-4. Retrieved from UNHCR. (2016). Figures at a glance. UNHCR. Retrieved from UNICEF. (2007, February). The Paris Principles: Principles and guidelines on children associated with armed forces or armed groups. Retrieved from .

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Strategic Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategic Plan - Essay Example In line with the company’s vision which is to be continually recognized as the innovative manufacturer of highly engineered electronic sensors through innovative research and development that would revolutionize the electronic sensor industry through its more productive, highly accessible and affordable products consistent with standards of excellence and social responsibility, the Electronic Sensor Manufacturing Company, has identified the following internal capabilities, as well as opportunities and threats in the external environment, eight years from now: Company facilities were improved concurrent with advancement in technology in the areas of machine shop, surface mount, testing, and processing using state of the art engineering equipment and facilities. Abiding by ethical standards continue to pay off in terms of better financial performance with employees exhibiting higher performance and productivity due to an environment of trust, employees are therefore more loyal c ontributing to low turnover, and a preponderance for higher investor loyalty, among others. Reliance on long term debts to fund research and development, as well as state of the art equipment and facilities could prove to have potential drawbacks in terms of the financial turmoil in the global

Analysis and apply the various theories and schools of thought for Essay

Analysis and apply the various theories and schools of thought for California Lutheran University - Essay Example In its policy, CLU offers equal opportunities to all qualified individuals regardless of their color, race, gender, origin, or disability. The classical theories The classical theories were developed by different scholars, whose main assumptions were largely based on the relations between the management and employees (Helrich, 2012). This is attained through structures, which are formally made to enable smooth communication process, established accountability, and official practices and procedures to prevent any kind of disputes. In the California Lutheran University, the management includes the University administrators and the directors, while lecturers and other subordinate staff are the employees. They have formally made procedures to be followed such as timetables of lectures and other schedules to ensure that there is no conflict between them and the students. Workers are treated as economic individuals whose motivation is money. However, they are regarded as products of means of production. Henry Fayol came up with fourteen principles of an organization, such as division of work, authority and responsibility, discipline, and unity of command. In this university, all these principles have been applied on both the faculties and the students. The workers are dedicated to working with small numbers of graduate and undergraduate students who are disciplined, and open-minded about everybody, about ideas, and about their faith. Each student is seeking to grow as an individual while pursuing his or her passion and discover his purpose. The bureaucratic Theory of Management initiated by Max Weber helps an organization achieve objectives and goals. To him, an organization is efficient if has a continuous organization of formal functions interconnected by regulations, a hierarchy in administration, and rules to regulate office conducts. The institution has formal hierarchies from the University president down to the students. The governing bodies include the Convoc ation, Regents’ Board, the Cabinet of the President, and the Faculty. The executive cabinet provides leadership for the Programs Board and the senate to ensure that policies are executed and implemented. The Programs Board on the other hand officially represents the interests and wishes of all the students enrolled in the University. This hierarchy of roles runs down from the president of the institution to the students’ body to ensure that there is proper definition in tasks for a proper operations and order. The Human Resources management Human relations and schools of thought The Human Resource part of California Lutheran University has several departments, which work collectively to ensure that administrative roles and other responsibilities are achieved as desired. For instance, the senior Human Resource Administrator of the University administers all institutional compensation programs. He works with the HR Director on most of the scheduled projects such as analy sis, implementation, design, yearly salary programs, and budgeting. He assists the director with termination or disciplinary issues and general relations with the employees. The Director of Adult Degree Evening Program oversees faculty-student relations and recruitment and leads enrolment goal achievement, retention strategies, and excellence in student activities. The central aspect of the Human Relations school of thought is that when workers work

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Childhood Obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Childhood Obesity - Essay Example considered, little researched yet greatly damaging cycle these children have been caught in that provides little room for success and tremendous costs for failure. The book covers the topic of overweight children from a variety of perspectives based on results of the previously mentioned administered questionnaire, literature reviews and in-field practice. By covering the public health implications of overweight children early in the book (chapter 2) with a section written by her son, Dr. Eric Rimm with the Harvard School of Public Health, the author gets this broadly based topic out in the open and out of the way both at the same time. A discussion of why excess consumption of food and reduced levels of activity occurs as a child begins to gain weight opens the book and sets the stage for the remainder of the discussion. More than just the mathematics of more food plus less exercise equals an overweight child, Rimm goes into deeper detail to look at the emotional aspect of both of these questions. Food becomes equated with love, good times, special occasions and celebration. To deprive children of these foods automatically induces an impressi on of punishment whether that was the intent or not. At the same time, because of natural awkwardness or as the result of an increasing middle section, many of these kids are not as coordinated, quick, able or flexible as other kids, inducing a further punishment idea behind the concept of activity which further pushes them to avoid exercise. The rest of the book deals with the emotional impact of being overweight from many different angles. Explaining how being overweight can affect a child’s self-esteem, self-confidence, relationships with peers and acceptance of self, the impact this has on their academic careers as they evaluate themselves and as teachers evaluate them based on preconceived notions of the â€Å"fat and lazy† variety, exploring why these children’s interests are typically much different from the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Strategies for Effective Team Building Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategies for Effective Team Building - Essay Example It must be noted at the outset that language barriers, cultural differences, and goal-setting strategies vary across the globe. Assembling a viable team, therefore, must proceed on the basis that these teams will be of an intercultural nature. Local hires with business contacts will be better able to assist in our global growth than outsiders with a lack of local or regional business acumen and connections. Staffing should be a cooperative effort between a human resource manager in the office and a local staffing organization. Potential team members will be screened by the local company and then interviewed at the regional office in more depth. Most of the sales force ought to be individuals from the region with a few senior members of the team to establish and implement the subsequent team-building tools and to oversee the larger operation of the regional office. Once this team is in place, it is necessary to establish and implement a regime of team-building tools which will encourage a set of common goals and reduce potential instances of miscommunication. Intercultural communication remains a significant issue for businesses and non-commercial organizations around the world. It remains a significant issue because miscommunication and related misunderstandings can negatively affect an organization’s pursuit of its objectives (Organizational Cultures, 2000).   The notions of diversity and multicultural teams, in the context of team development, are central considerations.   There are both demonstrated advantages and disadvantages associated with multicultural teams (Stahl, 2005).   The goal ought to be to emphasize the advantages while at the same time making organizational adjustments to better understand the disadvantages and thereby convert them into advantages.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

How To Make Resume Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

How To Make Resume - Essay Example We will also look at the main reasons why it was practiced and how the contemporary society deems/ regards these aesthetically preserved and monumental bodies II. According to Hawass (2004), preserving a corpse in a way that left it looking as alive as could be managed was critical in the Egyptian religion. The steps I have highlighted in the beginning of my talk were only part of stage of the mummification process that entailed two very engaging stages 2. The entire process of mummification lasted approximately 70 days. The internal organs that had been removed were dried and then carefully stored in special containers (canopic jars) after which the presiding priest blessed them through spoken word 3. Using a hook, the brain was excised from the skull through the nose. The heart of the corpse was however left intact since Egyptians held that the memories, emotions and intelligence of the person lived on in their hearts 4. After this mass excision of internal organs, what was left of the corpse was filled with special material (linen) to regain its original shape. The corpse was consequently dried for several weeks to ensure that the preservation would last for a very long time 1. In this procedure, the corpse was thoroughly wrapped using bandages of linen. Prayers were then said and rituals performed. Expensive jewelry and stones, faience and gold amulets were laid on the corpse then also wrapped within fresh bandages. These ‘accompaniments’ were believed to be a source of protection for the dead person 2. More prayers and spells ensued after this procedure. The body was also wrapped while holding an ancient book called ‘The Book of the Dead’. This book was believed to guide and lead the spirit in the after-life 3. Following this book process, tow more rounds of linen were wound around the corpse. The mummified corpse would hence be enclosed in a series of caskets which would also be enclosed within a

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Human Development Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Human Development - Coursework Example Burton highlights key arguments that are principal in heralding ethnography as the best tool of understanding teenagers’ behavior in high-risk neighborhoods. This thrives on the valid belief that teenagers growing in high-risk areas may attach a different meaning to adolescence than teenagers from safer areas. Adolescence, thus, occurs differently to teenagers as depending on one’s context. She highlighted the concept of accelerated life force. This suggests that teenagers in high-risk areas are highly likely to perceive their lifespan as relatively short (Burton, 1997). Such a perception may give way towards liberal handling of mortality and incarceration. In turn, a teenager is highly likely to engage in high-risk activities believing that one has no future. It emerges that these teenagers view teenage hood as a non-existent stage as they grow up to fend for themselves. This cultural perspective is consistent with the concept of diffused age hierarchies. In high-risk areas, there is a tendency towards condensed age structures. This means that it is not easy to distinguish individuals as based on their age. In turn, teenagers may behave as adults while adults may possess similar behavior as teenagers. It is arguable that such behavior emanate from the economic situations of such livelihoods. In families broken down by poverty, a teenager begins fending for one’s family early in life. In cases of absentee fathers, teenagers take a huge economic responsibility over one’s family as such family strives to pull resources from every possible source. Such responsibilities may make teenagers live an unconventional teenage life. This causes a rift with school institutions. This is because in schools, the system treats teenagers according to their age, while they are treated as adults at home. Such a teenager has to develop a dual

Friday, August 23, 2019

Child Labor in Africa Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Child Labor in Africa - Research Paper Example Defining the phenomena To this date millions of children are working forcefully or willingly, under hazardous conditions which are not just harmful to their health and well-being but also to the innocence of their childhood. The innocence unknowingly seeps out of their souls as they choose a life in order to fulfill a role not yet meant for them. In the UNICEF Child Labor protection information sheet, child labor is defined as children that fall in the bracket of under 12 working in any kind of economic activity, children between the age of 12-14 engaged in any form of work that can’t be labeled as light work and all ages involved in the worst form of labor which are enslaved, prostituted, trafficked, forced into illegal activities or exposed to hazardous conditions (1). Further on, it is important to understand what is not taken as child labor; involvement in any sort of work by children which is neither having a negative effect on their health, personal growth not is it crea ting any form of hindrance in their journey for education (ILO & I-P Union, 14). For example a daughter helps her mother in household chores or a son assists his dad every now and then on the family farm. International Labor Organization Under the watchful eye of the United Nations, International Labor Organization initiated a program in the year 1992 known as the International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor. The goal of the organization was to eliminate child labor from its roots. Currently, IPEC has operations in 88 countries and with the help of different partners such as NGO’s, private businesses etc., it is making tremendous efforts to infiltrate the child labor swamp and clean it up (Wikipedia). Increasing concern of child labor With the help of different organizations, NGO’s, some powerful governments; Child Labor has turned into a heated debate and is one of the most important issues discussed all around the world due to the growing concept of global ization through which global communication was conceived. Yet, even with all the discussions, debates and awareness rising around the globe the eradication of the malice completely would take quite a long time. As discussed earlier, the new world order brought with it many different perspectives. Globalist would refer to it as a positive step towards solving the problem of collective goods, isolationist policies and others that were present before the cold war. While skeptics would come up with the argument that accuses globalization of being a system that has generated intensive competition between states in which labor and resources are exploited to a dangerous extreme. Nevertheless, globalization, liberalization of trade, transparency of economy and changing thought process of consumers is an extremely important reason as to why child labor has turned into a growing concern (ILO & I-P Union, 18). Africa- leading the world in child labor? In Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa is a region that is accounted to have the highest percentage of child labor. International Labor Organization statistics present to us an astounding figure of 80 million that is a prominent 41% of children who belong to the under 14 age bracket are working (Andvig, Canagarajah &

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Caris Story Essay Example for Free

Caris Story Essay How could an infection in Cari’s nasal passage and pharynx spread into her sinuses? The pharynx connects to the nasal meatuses, which can in turn cause an infection. Which structures found in the terminal bronchioles and alveoli normally would protect Cari’s lungs from infectious pathogens and particulate matter? Macrophages in the terminal bronchioles and alveoli protect Cari’s lungs. How would Cari’s lung compliance (the effort required to expand the lungs) be altered as her alveoli fill with fluid due to pneumonia? Her lung compliance will increase because of trying to force gases in and out of the alveoli. The lungs are filled with fluid due to pneumonia. How does the elevation of Cari’s respiratory rate alter her minute ventilation? Her respiratory rate would rise due to shallow breaths. Normal blood oxygen saturation levels are greater than 94 percent; Cari’s blood oxygen saturation level was 90 percent at the time of her exam and initial arterial blood gas analysis done when she was admitted to the hospital revealed her arterial PO2 was 55mmHG. How do these clinical findings relate to the internal respiration in Cari’s body? The arteries have too much oxygen. A normal resting level should be around 94% without any additional oxygen. How would you have expected Cari’s decreased PCO2 and alkaline blood pH to have affected her breathing? Her rate of breathing would also decrease. Which anatomical structures in Cari’s respiratory system were initially involved? Nasal cavity, external/internal nares, nasopharynx, pharynx, and sinuses. Which damaging effects of tobacco smoke led to Cari’s impaired respiratory defense mechanisms? The cilia and villi begin to become hardened and die; they wouldn’t be able to filter particles through the nasal cavity, which would lead to the mucosal membrane drying out from the cigarette smoke. The lungs would then lose elasticity from over inflation of the lungs trying to supply enough air to the rest of the body.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Elaboration Theory in Learning Psychology Essay Example for Free

Elaboration Theory in Learning Psychology Essay The concept of elaboration theory centers greatly on progressive learning. That is, the steps in learning are built upon each other in a series of increasingly complex steps. In other words, rather than plateau the learning progress, it increases in complexity as time goes on. However, what was learned in the earlier portion of the progression is not discarded. So, the concept of elaboration can be visualized as an upside down pyramid. It starts at a small point and expands. However, the progression is always connected to its origination point. An example of this is as follows: a student is taught basic sentence structure. Then, the basics of sentence structure are expanded into the proper way to devise a paragraph. This later extends further as the students is taught to the create a series of paragraphs that form a coherent essay. An essay can later be expanded into a lengthy research paper. Really, there is no limit to the progression as long as it never deviates from the origination point of proper grammar and structure. Why theorists recommend that learners elaborate as much as possible. Many theorists believe that the elaboration theory provide a cohesive approach to learning. This provides for an increase in retention and overall improvements in learning. How schemas and scripts are often involved in elaboration. The way schemas and scripts work in the realm of elaboration is that they involve the individual’s prior accumulation of knowledge. This can be a help or a hindrance depending upon whether the prior knowledge improves or impedes the facilitation of new knowledge. Why different people may elaborate differently on the same information. Different people may have different strengths and weaknesses. They also may have different goals for learning the material. Since elaboration is a process and not a product, it is understandable that different approaches to present the same material are needed. Why elaboration sometimes leads to the storage of inaccurate information. No system of learning is perfect and elaboration theory is not free of such problems. One possible reason that elaboration theory can lead to inaccurate information is because the progression of learning goes off on tangents. If this occurs, then it may prove difficult to develop a coherent learning paradigm.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

National Museums: Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage

National Museums: Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage Role of Bangladesh National Museum to Safeguard Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Review Bangladesh National Museum Abstract This paper aims to investigate the role of Bangladesh National Museum to safeguard intangible cultural heritage which is considered as the fundamental of tangible culture. Unfortunately, for the contentious impact of modernization, our intangible cultural heritages are under serious threat to its existence which is very alarming for us because if we fail to preserve our intangible cultural heritage, we will lose our entity as a distinctive nation in the map of the world. National Museum as a pioneer organization of the government play effective role to safeguard intangible cultural heritage in many ways. Introduction: The cultural heritage of Bangladesh is very rich and historically highly regarded by the world community as it has uniqueness and specialities which are very distinct in character. This heritage includes both tangible and intangible cultures. From the primitive age to the present day Bangladesh is an arable soil of intangible cultural heritage like song, rituals, tradition, dance, performing art, festive, games, cuisine, folktales and architecture.etc and these intangible heritages have significant influence on the way of life of the people which makes Bangladeshi people distinct from other nations. It should be mentioned that the tangible culture of Bangladesh is very uniquely unique like craft, different type of objects and all antiquities. Bangladesh National Museum has started its journey in 1913 as Dhaka Museum. Dhaka Museum was located at Nimtoli Baro Duari area of Dhaka with two rooms. Eventually, Dhaka Museum transformed upgraded as Bangladesh National Museum in 1983 and shifted to present building at Shahbag. Bangladesh National Museum has a collection of near 86 thousand antiquities. As a wing of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Namtional Museum is playing vaital role to preserve tangible and intangible heritage of the country and portraying rich, positive and bright image in front of the world community. On August 7, 2013 Bangladesh National Museum celebrated its 100 years of establishment. In its long journey, it has taken many milestone initiatives to safeguard intangible cultural heritages. 1.1 Methodology Both primary and secondary data have been used to prepare this paper. Primary data were collected from the interview and discussion of the Bangladesh National Museum staffs. And secondary data were collected from different books, journals and articles. What is Intangible Cultural Heritage? When sociologists talk about culture, they are more interested about the features of society which are learnt rather than inherited and these features help members of the society to co-operate and communicate with each other which facilitate them to create common platform to survive in a society. Culture consists of both intangible aspects and tangible aspects. Intangible aspects include belief, ideas, values and tangible aspect includes the objects, symbols and technologies which correspond to that aspect (Giddens, 2001). Culture comes from the Latin word ‘colere’ means ‘to cultivate’ to ‘to till the soil’. Smelse (1993) defined culture as ‘a set of values, views of reality, and codes of behavior, held in common people who share a distinctive way of life’. Schaefer (2006) identified culture as ‘ totality of learned, socially transmitted customs, knowledge, material objects, and behavior’. Giddens (2001) has given a bro ader view about culture .He says that culture refers to the ways of life of the members of the society, or of groups within a society. Ways of life of the members of the society or group consist of tangible and intangible culture. Intangible culture can not be touched which is opposite to the tangible. Intangible culture includes song, music, drama, skills, and others. Basic Texts of the 2003 convention for the safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage defined Intangible Cultural Heritage in page page-5 as ‘†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..the practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills-as well as the instruments, objects, artifacts, and cultural spaces associated therewith-that communities, groups and, in some cases, individuals recognize as part of their cultural heritage. This intangible heritage, transmitted from generation to generation, is constantly related by communities and groups in response to their environment, their interaction with nature and history, and provides them with a sense of identity and continuity, thus promoting respect for cultural diversity and human creativity†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.’ ‘†¦..the intangible Cultural Heritage, as defined above, is manifested inter alia the following domains: Oral traditions and expressions, including language as a vehicle of the intangiable cultural heritage; Performing arts; Social practices, rituals and festive events; Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe; Traditional craftsmanship†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..’ Why should Intangible Culture be safeguarded? Basic Texts of the 2003 convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage defined ‘Safeguarding’ in page page-6 as ‘†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..‘Safeguarding’ means measures aimed at ensuring the viability of the intangible cultural heritage, including the identification, documentation, research, preservation, protection, promotion, enhancement, transmission, particularly through formal and informal education, as well as the revitalization of the various aspect of such heritage†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..’ It is indeed very important to safeguard intangible cultural heritage like tangible cultural heritage. In fact, intangible cultural heritage is treated as the foundation of tangible cultural heritage. If we do not take appropriate measure to safeguard intangible cultural heritage, it will be very difficult for us to preserve and cherish our culture. Westernization, Americanization, Indianization, Urbanization, industrialization and above all because of the impact of the globalization our norms, values and rituals are changing and many of our folkways, morse and folk culture are disappearing and some are losing distinctiveness. Because of the information technology and media, foreign culture is becoming a part of our culture and influencing our life in many ways. To exist as an ethnic group and as a nation it is really essential to safeguard our intangible which is considered as the manufacturing element of tangible culture. To safeguard intangible cultural heritage public awareness, collective endeavors of local community and government organization and appropriate laws are needed. Some specific steps should be taken;; Identification of intangible cultural heritage, preparation of inventory and introduction of awareness programme (UNESCO, 2012). Role of Bangladesh National Museum in Preserving Cultural Heritage 4.1 The Oral History of Bangladesh Bangladesh is a land of poets, novelists, intellectuals, politicians, artists and journalist who immensely contributed and, in fact, are contributing to the socio-cultural development of the country and without this contribution society cannot be progressive or as a nation we could not be able to identify as an enlightened nation. Henceforth, in 1985 Bangladesh national Museum has taken a landmark initiative to interview eminent personalities of different fields in audio format and US Ford Foundation was kind enough to finance the project considering the importance and need which eventually helped enrich the collection of Bangladesh National Museum and opened an opportunity for the new generation to know about their distinguished predecessors and their views and philosophy of life and the society as a whole. The project title was ‘The Oral History of Bangladesh’. Under this project, Bangladesh National Museum was able to interview 100 eminent personalities including Abu Jafar Shamsuddin, Justice Abdus Sattar, journalist Md. Nasir Uddin, Poet Sufia Kamal, writer Monsur Uddin, Mokhlesur Rahman (shidhu mia), Basonti Guha Thakurota, Doc. Ahashanul Haque, with two different views firstly, to preserve the biography of those persons and secondly, to bring out socio-cultural, political and economic condition of the country of that time through their interviews. It was expected that this audio archive would able to work as a store house of knowledge for many research and references in future. Understanding the reality and significance, Bangladesh National Museum has taken further initiative to publish a book converting the audios named ‘A Hand Book of Oral History’ in English which is stored in the library of the museum and accessible for the people in large(Bangladesh National Museum, 1992). Keeping that success in mind and realizing the importance, national museum authority has initiated second phase of the project from 2012 where another 100 persons are enlisted to be interviewed and it would be recorded in video format and a book will be published in due course. This project is running successfully and ten interviews are already recoded. Professor Shordar Fajlul Karim, Mostofa Nurul Islam, Professor Shalauddin and Nurjahan Begum remarkable are among them. 4.2 Cultural Heritage of Districts Another notable step in respect of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage taken by Bangladesh national Museum was the making of video documentary of few districts which have historical heritage and are famous for rich culture. The districts are Rajbari, Mymensingh, Panchagor, Dinajpur, Rajshahi, Thakurgaon, Naogaon, Cumilla, Chittagong, Kushtia, Bhola, Pirojpur, Coxes Bazar, Bandorbon, Netrokona, Tangail, Jinaidaha and Bhola. The initiative was made in the year 1993. Three different steps were taken to complete the package. Firstly, all the historical places were recorded in video format and narration was added later on, secondly, with the help of the District Commissioner office a fair was organized and recorded accordingly to demonstrate the festive mode of Bangladeshi culture and its inner artifacts and folk song, Ghetu gan, lati khela, palagan, putulnach, snake-charming were included in the fair as well, thirdly, interview of the local eminent persons were recorded as witness statements to bring our the history, culture and tradition more authentically. It should be mentioned here that many historical places were comprehensively covered under this project like pirojpur kumar para, sundorbon, Monpura in Bhola district (Floating area), kantojirmondir in Dinajpur, Kusumba mosque in Naogaon, laloner mazar in Kustia, moynamoti in Comilla, paharpur bihar in Rajshahi including local famous mosques and temples. 4.3 Gramophone Record of famous Singers Bangladesh National Museum as a catalyst to preserve national history and heritage owns 123 gramophone record of many famous singers of Bangladesh which is not only significant in the history of Bangladeshi music but also reference source for future research. The records include the song of Abbasuddin, Kanon Devi, Komoldas Gupto, Shochin Dev Bormon, Baul Song etc. 4.4 Documentary on Liberation War In the year 1996 December, seven days long Reminiscence Programme on Liberation War was organized by Bangladesh National Museum. Seven different groups of people shared their memories of Liberation War and it was recorded in video format and the groups were constituted with Civil Freedom Fighter, Politicians, Cultural Personalities, Journalists and Artists, Administrative Officer of the Mujib Nagar Government, representative of Military, Para- Military and Police, family members of the Intellectual Martyrs and members of the Shadin Bangla Beter Kandro. The video documentary is preserved in Bangladesh National Museum as one of the valued documents of Liberation War with versatile information. 4.5 Documentary on Shitol Pati and Rickshaw Painting Documentary on Shitol Pati and Rickshaw Painting was made in the year 1999. A team from Bangladesh National Museum went to Balagonj of Sylhet district which is famous for Shitol Pati and made a documentary on that. All the steps of Shitol pati fabrication was recorded, starting from cane collection to weaving. National Museum officials also went to Rayer Bazar of Dhaka which is a famous place for Rickshaw Painting to record the technique of Rickshaw Painting which is considered as colorful folk paint. 4.6 Celebration of Bangla New Year Bangladesh National Museum takes initiative to celebrate Bangla New Year every year and fair and cultural programme performed by folk artist are organized as part of the celebration. In New Year fair different stalls are positioned with Pittha, handicrafts, pottery, dolls, local home decor, local musical instruments and others. Performers and singers from all over the country are invited in the New Year cultural fair. Concerned department of Bangladesh National Museum gives profound efforts to bring the artists from different parts of the country targeting those types of artists who have unique ability to perform folk song which are under serious threat of the influence of so called modern song. Our indigenous songs like Baul, Lalon, Vatiary, Jari, Sari and Pala are performed by the artist which create the interest among the spectators and give them opportunity to reiterate their love to the indigenous song. This initiative of Bangladesh National Museum should be considered as a perf ect inventiveness to transmit and promote indigenous song in a turbulent cultural atmosphere. 4.7. Exhibition of Traditional folk craft: Every year Bangladesh National Museum arranges an exhibition on our traditional craft. Here they exhibit the process of craft, like jamdani weaving, Shitol pati weaving, pottery making , tribal cloth weaving, Shola crafts, metal crafts etc. Every year Bangladesh National Museum arranges this exhibition to encourage the folk artists and also speared out this knowledge our new generation. Conclusion From the above discussion it is clearly understood that a leading organization of Bangladesh Government, National Museum is taking numerous steps to safeguard intangible cultural heritage through research, identification, documentation, preservation, protection, promotion, enhancement, transmission, particularly through formal and informal approach, as well as the revitalization of the various aspect of such heritage. For some predicaments like insufficient budget, bureaucracy, training and other requirements Museum is unable to extend the limit of its operation in regards to safeguard intangible cultural heritage. If these problems are solved, and if, it can work to its desired level, in future, she could play a very effective role to safeguard intangible cultural heritage which she is doing with lots of pride in the case of tangible cultural heritage. References Bangladesh National Museum (19912) A Hand Book of Oral History. Dhaka: Director General, Bangladesh National Museum Ginnens, Anthony (1997) Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press Smelser, Neil J. (1993) Sociology. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Schaefer, Richard T. (2006) Sociology. New York: McGraw Hill UNESCO (2012) Basic Texts of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. France

the silk road Essay -- essays research papers

The Silk Road is the most well-known trading route of ancient Chinese civilization. Trade in silk grew under the Han Dynasty ( 202 BC - AD 220) in the first and second centuries AD   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Origanally, the Chinese trade silk internally, within the empire. Caravans from the empire's interior would carry silk to the western edges of the region. Often small Central Asian tribes would attack these caravans hoping to capture the traders' valuable commodities. As a result, the Han Dynasty extended its military defenses further into Central Asia from 135 to 90 BC in order to protect these caravans.Chan Ch'ien, the first known Chinese traveler to make contact with the Central Asian tribes, later came up with the idea to expand the silk trade to include these lesser tribes and therefore forge alliances with these Central Asian nomads. Because of this idea, the Silk Road was born.The route grew with the rise of the Roman Empire because the Chinese initially gave silk to the Roman-Asian governments as gifts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The 7000 mile route spanned China, Central Asia, Northern India, and the Parthian and Roman Empires. It connected the Yellow River Valley to the Mediterranean Sea and passed through places such as Chinese cities Kansu and Sinkiang and present-day countries Iran, Iraq and Syria.Northwestern Indians who lived near the Ganges River played prominent roles as middlemen in the China-Mediterranean silk trade because as early as the third...

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Alluring Amontillado Essays -- Literature

The Alluring Amontillado Revenge is the act of retaliation for an offense or injury caused to a person by another. The act of revenge can become an overpowering and consuming emotion that involves every part of someone’s existence. In â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado,† revenge is the theme that runs throughout the story and drives the motive for murder. The character, Montresor, uses revenge as his motive for killing Fortunato. Fortunato is reminiscent of a fatherly character, which elicits painful memories for Montresor. In eliminating Fortunato, Montresor assumes the role that places him closest to the affections of a motherly figure. Edgar Allan Poe’s life is reflective of the motivations of Montresor’s actions and how the Oedipus complex is featured in this short story. Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1809 to parents who were actors at the local theatre. He never knew his father, David Poe, who died in 1810 after abandoning Poe’s mother shortly after Poe was born. His mother, who suffered from consumption, died in Richmond, Virginia in late 1811, orphaning Edgar, his older brother William Henry, and half-sister Rosalie. Soon after their mother’s death, the children were separated and sent to relatives or other families to be raised. Edgar had very little contact with his siblings after their mother’s death. A planter and his wife, who lived in Richmond Virginia, accepted Poe into their family, but never formally adopted him. From the childless wife of Mr. John Allan, Edgar received extensive affection, but it was improbable that she was ever able to give all the affection that he craved from his deceased birth mother. Mr. Allan regarded Edgar with mute affection and mostly offered money in place of any physi... ... who was forever searching for that one elusive person who could give him the validation he so wanted. He appears to have placed so much value on the affections of a mother who would forever be absent. Montresor, in Poe’s fictional story, was successful in committing the revengeful deed he sought. Fortunato, from his grave, forever haunted the lonesome soul of Montresor. Works Cited May, Charles E. Edgar Allan Poe: A Study of the Short Fiction. Boston: Twayne, 1991. Print. Poe, Edgar. â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado.† The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature: Reading, Thinking, Writing. Ed. Michael Meyer. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2012. 533-537. Print. Pruette, Lorine. "A Psycho-Analytical Study of Edgar Allan Poe." The American Journal of Psychology 31.4 (1920): 370-402. JSTOR. Web. 31 Mar. 2012. .

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Staffing and Selection Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bank of America is a corporation that employs over 175,000 associates that provide financial products, services, ideas, and solutions to customers in the United States. The Global Corporate and Investment Banking group (GCIB) has offices in 35 countries serving clients in more then 150 countries, with associates in all of the Americas, Europe, and Asia (Anonymous, 2004). Choosing the most qualified individual may seem like a daunting task. Bank of America’s policies and procedures for hiring associates provide a solid foundation for acquiring the best talent. With standard policies for interviewing, all individuals are subject to the same questioning. There is diversity within large number of associates the bank employs. Globalization in the business world is a necessity and corporations must increase the sensitivity levels when attempting to recruit new talent. When attempting to acquire new talent, Bank of America encompasses a wide range of staffing pra ctices and selection tools. In response to diversity and technology trends, Bank of America’s staffing practices are effective in meeting current and future employment needs of the organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bank of America’s multicultural supplier and development program began in 1990. The program increased the amount of quality products and services the bank obtains directly from businesses owned by minorities, women, and veterans with disabilities. Helping diverse businesses grow through contracting opportunities and bank products allows Bank of America to grow at the same time. Within the bank, new computer-based diversity training Bank of America’s staffing department works closely with various state and local agencies to provide people with disabilities equal access to the company’s may employment opportunities. Dozens of agencies within the community that handle an applicant pool of individuals with disabilities receive a listings of open positions and job postings from Bank of America. The personnel department developed relationships with certain organizations that provide vocational services that cater to individuals with disabilities. Co mpanies like Bridges, Toolworks, and Easter seals all maintain a healthy relationship with Bank of America in order to develop ongoing relationships that assist in the hiring of individuals with disabilities. Departme... free of charge, executives and associates have incentive in wanting to be a part of Bank of America. Technology will change and Bank of America’s hiring process will change along with it. Planning for years to come, the bank devotes a lot of time and money into using and developing technology to acquire and retain the best possible talent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, Bank of America must follow certain business trends to stay ahead of competition. With diversity and technology, the bank devotes different departments in assuring the best talent joins the bank. Different types of research for future staffing practices assure that trends do not outdate Bank of America’s selection tools. Using different technological tools and diversity training makes the bank one of the leaders in recruitment. Strong relationships between staffing and personnel, as well as detailed selection tools, are examples of devotion to excellence. References Anonymous. Retrieved February 24, 2005 from Bank of America’s local intranet. Anonymous. (n.d.) Outreach and Recruitment Activities. Retrieved on February 24, 2005   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  from

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Lord of the Flies Setting

Bader al Issaei January 24, 13 Lord of the Flies The author Sir William Golding created the story Lord of the Flies. This author uses the setting to develop the main theme of the story. The setting did really create the theme of the story and without it Piggy could have lived. Without this setting the whole story could have changed because it story can be in a camp or in London or even their country. Then the whole story in that case will change.To add to that, there might not be a problem or a lord of the flies. There were a lot of settings he could have chosen but he only chose one, which is the island. He chose where to put the conch and he chose to put a castle rock, and he also chose where to put lord of the flies and what the weather will be. The writer of this story created many ways for using the setting, one general way is the geography of the island, he chose the island, witch I don’t think is a real island in the Pacific Ocean I think he created it, and this island changed the humanity of the boys.In the beginning of the story we are introduced to the creepers, while Piggy was following Ralph we found out that Piggy has asthma. Ralph goes to the beach and finds a bathing pool. So like a normal boy he jumps in the bathing pool but Piggy can’t swim because of the asthma he has. Piggy tests the water, and it was warm. Then we find out that Ralph can swim because his dad is a commander in the navy and he taught him. Piggy’s mom and dad are dead and he lives with his aunt.Then, Ralph found a conch and blew it to call the others so he was voted as chief, he told the others if they want to talk they have to hold the conch. Now the conch became an important symbol in the story and it symbolizes order. In the end of the first chapter Ralph, Jack and Simon discover that it is an island and that there are pigs. Ralph wanted to make a fire but the first one was not under control and burned a big part of the island. The second fire was the si gnal fire and it was on top of the mountain so it is in the center of the island.Now the fire symbolizes the rescue. William Golding chose an atomic war and above these boys at night there was a plane battle, in the meantime the twins where taking watch of the fire. Suddenly a dead Pilate was ejected from the plane and the twins thought that it was the beast. Jack, Ralph and the hunters went to see the beast and discovered the castle rock. It is the place that symbolizes savagery and the place where they killed Piggy, also known in the unfriendly part of the island. When Ralph, Jack and Roger saw the beast at night they ran letting others believe in the beast.Castle rock is now the place for the hunters and littluns and their chief is Jack. Without the Pigs there won’t be any hunter and it would be more peaceful, they could have just eaten fruit. The castle rock is a very rocky place with a lot of sunlight and heat, and that is not a perfect place to live in. It is the opposi te from Simon’s nature place even the author said â€Å"Flower and fruit grew together on the same tree and everywhere was a scent of ripeness and booming of a million bees at pasture. Page 61,W. Golding. The writer cut the island into two sides, an unfriendly side and the friendly side. For example when Simon dies the writer says: â€Å"The water rose further and dressed Simon’s coarse hair with brightness† Page 180W. Golding. He said this because he died in the friendly side. Piggy, in the other hand, died in the unfriendly side of the island, the writer said: â€Å"the rock stuck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments†. Page 212 W.Golding, so that didn’t seam as a fun sight. You can find the difference now with the two places. To add to that, Ralph was rescued when he came to the friendly side. William Golding added to the geography of the island a thicket next to the castle rock, and it was not put by accident, he did it so that Ralph would hide in it, but because it was in the unfriendly side Jack burned the whole island to get him out, he did and then got rescued. If you notice there are only one beach and the rest are cliffs.I think that the beach symbolizes something, which is the tribe’s home. They even have shelters in there and a bathing pool right next to the platform. Also, the writer putted the Lord of the Flies next to Simon’s mat as borders of the friendly side and the unfriendly. That is why Simon was confident when he went up to the mountain also he could have left the parachutist on top of the mountain as a proof that there is no beast. Sir William Golding is a smart writer because he has made a map in his head that really reacted to the whole story.This story mostly talks about the darkness inside the humans and how a war can happen, more over how the civilization could have started. The island took away all the humanity in them forcing th em to act like savages. The whole island could have won the war yet no one did; even the leaders of these two tribes still hate each othe r. The person who created this map wanted that war to happen and wanted Ralph to survive. God created the Earth’s map and I am sure he created it for a reason. Word count: 1,010 words Lord of the Flies Setting Bader al Issaei January 24, 13 Lord of the Flies The author Sir William Golding created the story Lord of the Flies. This author uses the setting to develop the main theme of the story. The setting did really create the theme of the story and without it Piggy could have lived. Without this setting the whole story could have changed because it story can be in a camp or in London or even their country. Then the whole story in that case will change.To add to that, there might not be a problem or a lord of the flies. There were a lot of settings he could have chosen but he only chose one, which is the island. He chose where to put the conch and he chose to put a castle rock, and he also chose where to put lord of the flies and what the weather will be. The writer of this story created many ways for using the setting, one general way is the geography of the island, he chose the island, witch I don’t think is a real island in the Pacific Ocean I think he created it, and this island changed the humanity of the boys.In the beginning of the story we are introduced to the creepers, while Piggy was following Ralph we found out that Piggy has asthma. Ralph goes to the beach and finds a bathing pool. So like a normal boy he jumps in the bathing pool but Piggy can’t swim because of the asthma he has. Piggy tests the water, and it was warm. Then we find out that Ralph can swim because his dad is a commander in the navy and he taught him. Piggy’s mom and dad are dead and he lives with his aunt.Then, Ralph found a conch and blew it to call the others so he was voted as chief, he told the others if they want to talk they have to hold the conch. Now the conch became an important symbol in the story and it symbolizes order. In the end of the first chapter Ralph, Jack and Simon discover that it is an island and that there are pigs. Ralph wanted to make a fire but the first one was not under control and burned a big part of the island. The second fire was the si gnal fire and it was on top of the mountain so it is in the center of the island.Now the fire symbolizes the rescue. William Golding chose an atomic war and above these boys at night there was a plane battle, in the meantime the twins where taking watch of the fire. Suddenly a dead Pilate was ejected from the plane and the twins thought that it was the beast. Jack, Ralph and the hunters went to see the beast and discovered the castle rock. It is the place that symbolizes savagery and the place where they killed Piggy, also known in the unfriendly part of the island. When Ralph, Jack and Roger saw the beast at night they ran letting others believe in the beast.Castle rock is now the place for the hunters and littluns and their chief is Jack. Without the Pigs there won’t be any hunter and it would be more peaceful, they could have just eaten fruit. The castle rock is a very rocky place with a lot of sunlight and heat, and that is not a perfect place to live in. It is the opposi te from Simon’s nature place even the author said â€Å"Flower and fruit grew together on the same tree and everywhere was a scent of ripeness and booming of a million bees at pasture. Page 61,W. Golding. The writer cut the island into two sides, an unfriendly side and the friendly side. For example when Simon dies the writer says: â€Å"The water rose further and dressed Simon’s coarse hair with brightness† Page 180W. Golding. He said this because he died in the friendly side. Piggy, in the other hand, died in the unfriendly side of the island, the writer said: â€Å"the rock stuck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments†. Page 212 W.Golding, so that didn’t seam as a fun sight. You can find the difference now with the two places. To add to that, Ralph was rescued when he came to the friendly side. William Golding added to the geography of the island a thicket next to the castle rock, and it was not put by accident, he did it so that Ralph would hide in it, but because it was in the unfriendly side Jack burned the whole island to get him out, he did and then got rescued. If you notice there are only one beach and the rest are cliffs.I think that the beach symbolizes something, which is the tribe’s home. They even have shelters in there and a bathing pool right next to the platform. Also, the writer putted the Lord of the Flies next to Simon’s mat as borders of the friendly side and the unfriendly. That is why Simon was confident when he went up to the mountain also he could have left the parachutist on top of the mountain as a proof that there is no beast. Sir William Golding is a smart writer because he has made a map in his head that really reacted to the whole story.This story mostly talks about the darkness inside the humans and how a war can happen, more over how the civilization could have started. The island took away all the humanity in them forcing th em to act like savages. The whole island could have won the war yet no one did; even the leaders of these two tribes still hate each othe r. The person who created this map wanted that war to happen and wanted Ralph to survive. God created the Earth’s map and I am sure he created it for a reason. Word count: 1,010 words

Friday, August 16, 2019

Millers exploration of the American Dream in Death of A Salesman Essay

In the light of critical opinions discuss Miller’s exploration of the American Dream in Death of A Salesman in relation to the characters of Willy and Biff Loman. Focus upon the ideas of success and failure within the American Dream in relation to Miller’s portrayal of Willy’s idolisation of Biff and the effect this has on Biff’s life. The term ‘The American Dream’ by its very nature is an unrealistic phrase. The use of the word dream reflects the fact that although it is an aspirational concept it may not actually be achieved by the majority of the American population. Some may argue that it is a dream born of a system, which aims to exploit the hardworking people of America. In his critique of Death of A Salesman Leonard Moss states ‘Is he (Miller) not attacking in short, a system that is geared to exploit the common man?’? There are clearly instances within the play where the writer suggests it is impossible for Willy to achieve the dream. Although the concept of the American Dream is thought to result in equality amongst a nation of immigrants, it may be perceived as being dictatorial. This is because it is telling Americans how to live their lives and although one objective of the American Dream may be to achieve freedom, it may in actual fact be oppressing those in pursuit of it. The American Dream is explored throughout Death of A Salesman. Willy deludes himself into thinking that the American Dream is easy to obtain and will result in success for him. He believes that it will all come to him easily and that he is deserving of it. But realistically, he pins his hopes on the American Dream so much that it is the reason behind his demise. Willy’s faith in the American Dream remains strong although his own son confronts him with reality by saying â€Å"Will you take that dream and burn it before something happens?† (Page 102 Act 2). As one critic states, ‘the play romanticizes the rural-agarian dream but does not make it genuinely available to Willy’?. This implies that the American Dream has a purpose to lure Americans into a false sense of security believing that they can achieve the American Dream and financial success. This can be seen in the play as Willy fully believes in the concept of the American Dream but he doesn’t have any hope of achieving it. The play focuses on the American Dream and emphasizes what is perceived as success. Biff describes his desire to work in the country and be free â€Å"We don’t belong in this nuthouse of a city! We should be mixing cement on some open plain†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Page 43 Act 1) whereas Willy’s perception of success leads him to believe that he will automatically receive fame and fortune through commercial success. In contrast Biff wishes to live a simple life like that of the pioneer figure in the American Dream myth. This brings us to ask another question: What can be defined as success in the American Dream? For some it could mean that hard work and endurance results in financial security, acceptance and quality. The idea of success is very ambiguous as it could have different meanings to the individuals who want to achieve it as their lives are individual to them. ‘The whole life of the Loman family is dominated by this man’s idea of ‘success†?. Willy is in constant pursuit of the American Dream. Willy believes as long as he appears confident he will be liked by other people and that they will be buying into him as opposed to his products â€Å"Because the man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead!† (Page 20 Act 1). He bases his work ethic on a successful salesman who had many people come to his funeral as he was very popular. However, at Willy’s funeral, he proves to be almost entirely friendless. Willy has deluded himself into thinking that he is so popular and well liked but it is suggested that self interest in society prevents emotional attachments. A key example of success is Ben. Willy is living in Ben’s shadow as he is the successful brother. He had the opportunity to go to Alaska with Ben but declined to stay in America. Ben was part of a team that discovered diamonds in the jungle and consequently earnt a fortune from this. Biff wants to soul search and find his place in society, but at the age of 34 he has not yet done so. Although, as a child, Biff appears to be popular and successful he finds that he cannot conform to society and is still trying to find somewhere he fits in. Biff challenges his father’s expectations of him by asking â€Å"Why am I trying to become what I don’t want to be?† (Page 99 Act 2). Miller is perhaps suggesting that economic instability results in the repression of individuality. Willy pins all his hopes on Biff. ‘Willy Loman suddenly sees how deeply his own son could care for him. This discovery pushes him to the final extreme of his illusion, crying out: ‘That boy – that boy is going to be magnificent!’ and: â€Å"Ben, he’ll worship me for it!†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ?. He spots the potential in Biff and then begins to live his failed dreams through Biff. He puts a lot of pressure on Biff to succeed. This damages their relationship and may also have resulted in Biffs kleptomaniac tendencies (possibly a sign of rebellion). Biff initially appears to be the all American boy who is capable of achieving the American Dream but the play shows how the most promising of people can ultimately turn out to be nothing in life ‘Richard J. Foster states ‘Biff, who in the play as an amplification of reflection of Willy’s problems, has been nurtured on Willy’s dreams too. But he has been forced to see the truth†?. Willy idolised Biff when he was a child as he seemingly had everything and the potential in life to succeed. Willy tries to make himself a better person by making Biff successful. Subconsciously, Willy has realised that he has failed in life and will not achieve the American Dream, yet he fails to publically admit this; both to himself and his family. Biff is able to see that neither he nor Willy can achieve the American Dream and tries to let Willy know this indirectly â€Å"Biff realizes Willy had the wrong dreams. In accepting the truth about his father, Biff is able to make a decision about his future based on a realistic view of his capabilities†?. He rebels from his father’s ideals of success and ways of life and this could possible be a way in whi ch he is trying to tell his father that they cannot achieve the American Dream. The theme of unconditional support between father and son is explored in the play. â€Å"The character of Willy Loman is the â€Å"the little salesman with a pathetic belief in his worthless son†?. As Willy is living his dreams through Biff, his love for Biff is great. He is willing to do whatever it takes to get Biff to accomplish something in life. When Biff is failing in Maths, Willy encourages him to cheat, and this represents the lengths that Willy would go to, to help Biff. â€Å"That’s because he likes you. If somebody else took that ball there’d be an uproar† (Page 17 Act 1). Willy almost encourages Biff’s bad behaviour and excuses it because of his popularity. Willy’s father left him when he was a child. Moreover, he left no money or legacy to be passed onto Willy and Ben. This may have been the point in Willy’s life in which he began to suffer a social injustice as he felt determined to make something of himself to pass onto further generations to free them from the hardship that he suffered. As Willy does not achieve this Biff is his last hope of having success associated with him. Because his father left him as a child with nothing, he is determined to get Biff to achieve something so that the Loman name is held with high regard. The name Loman is somewhat ironic as its individual components are ‘low-man’. This is significant in the play as it represents the common man and someone of low status who may be stereotyped as being unsuccessful in life and will amount to nothing. The lack of success and achievements in Willy’s life have resulted in shifts between the past and present in his mind. The shifts between past and present represent a time when Willy’s life was promising and the American Dream was attainable. They also symbolize the irrational state of Willy’s mind. He is stuck in the past as it comforts him in times of trouble. He reminisces over, what seemed to be, his prime as both a salesman and a father. When the play is performed, it appears to be very rational and realistic when Willy walks through a wall for example, and this signifies how real these shifts are in Willy’s mind. They show the irrational mental state of Willy. Willy is confused about where he is going in life and his mind is in a state of confusion. The shifts between past and present may indicate his inability to cope with his life in the present and moreover may be a way for him to escape his troubles in the present day. ‘Willy is the dreamy salesman whose imagination is much larger than his sales ability’? and this relates to the shifts between past and present. His imagination may lead him to a world in which he has no fears and feels that his life is fulfilling. In contrast to this, the language he uses is very simplistic. Willy expresses himself through statements and clichà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s that are repeated so frequently that they border on monotonous with one example being â€Å"I’ll make it all up to you Linda, I’ll -† (Page 25, Act 1) The shifts also reveal the truth, which is not distorted by Willy’s perceptions of events. This is a key aspect in the play as the rest of the play is influenced by Willy or Biff’s take on events. The shifts between past and present are an example of expressionism in which Miller explores the psychological state of Willy. A number of motifs are present in the play which are used to represent American materialism. One of which are the stockings. When Willy has a flashback into the past he is with The Woman who he has bought new stockings for. However, in the present Linda is mending her stockings. This epitomizes Willy’s inability to provide for his family. An additional motif demonstrating the same point is the fridge. The use of both of these points shows that Willy has been stripped of his masculinity. The flute is used extremely effectively as an expressionist device in Death of A Salesman. It expresses the mood of the play at a particular moment. At the start of the play â€Å"A melody is heard, played upon a flute† (Page 1 Act 1). The flute gives a feeling of spring and optimism, generally a joyous tone. There is a sharp contrast between the innocence of the initial melody and the description of Willy’s house which is overshadowed by â€Å"an angry glow of orange† (Page 1, Act 1). The flute is significant in the play as it focuses on stages in Willy’s life and notifies the audience of the nature of the scene. The audience is informed that Willy’s absent father played the flute and at this point â€Å"new music is heard, a high rollicking tune†. This might imply that Willy’s father was a happy go lucky salesman and it lays emphasis on the fact that Willy is not, adding to his many insecurities. The flute is quite sombre/sinister towards the end of the play. Willy commits suicide â€Å"as the car speeds off the music crashes down in a frenzy of sound which becomes the soft pulsation of a single cello string† (Page 105, Act 2). The final concept to consider is failure in the American Dream. Is the individual or the system to blame for the failure of the American Dream? It could be argued that if the individual is gullible enough to be taken in by the American Dream, they have no-one to blame but themselves if they fail. Failure in the American Dream may represent the naivety of the American population. ‘The system is not the one to blame; Willy can only blame himself for not becoming what he wanted to be’?. This supports the idea that the American Dream exists but it can only be achieved if the individual adapts the American Dream to their life and is willing to work hard to achieve it. Denial plays a key part in Willy’s lack of success in achieving the American Dream. He refuses to acknowledge that he is a failure. An example of this in the play is where Willy says that he’ll buy a new tape recorder (like the one Howard has) even though he is fully aware that he has no money to pay for it. â€Å"The Loman’s have unrealistic ideas of success. To Willy, the foundation of success is not education or hard work but rather ‘who you know and the smile on your face’?. Willy is a proud man who doesn’t want others to perceive him as a failure, as this would force him to confront reality, whereas he prefers to live in a world where he conceals his problems and keeps a false pretence that everything is fine. Biff, like Willy, ignores aspects of reality that do not fit in with his ideals â€Å"You’re a – you’re an idealist!† (Page 11 Act 1). Some may argue that the system is to blame but ultimately he creates his own destiny. Faith in the system motivated him throughout his life but towards the end it left him â€Å"tired to the death† (Page 2 Act 1) Reference List. ? ? ? ? Craig M. Garrison The System and the American Dream *DEATH OF A Salesman* (Online) ? ? Bamber Gascoigne (1962) Twentieth Century Drama. Hutchinson &Co. ? ? K. Linderholm (1995) The American Dream. (Online) Accessed 01/12/2005 ? Leonard Moss (1980) Arthur Miller. Brief excerpt from the preface (Online) * J.C. Trewin (English Reviewer) Drama. Winter, 1949 Bibliography Spark Notes (Online) Garrison, M. Craig The System and the American Dream *DEATH OF A Salesman* (Online) Gascoigne, Bamber (1962) Twentieth Century Drama. Hutchinson &Co. Linderholm, K (1995) The American Dream. (Online) Accessed 01/12/2005 Moss, Leonard (1980) Arthur Miller. Brief excerpt from the preface (Online) Trewin , J.C. (English Reviewer) Drama. Winter, 1949 Carson, Neil. (1982) Arthur Miller. Macmillan Modern Dramatists. Chapter 4: Death of A Salesman, pp.44-59 Wikipedia (Online) Miller, Arthur (1958) From the Introduction to Collected Plays. Pp. 22-37

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Jack: Almost the Hero of Lord of the Flies Essay

Jack, leader of a group of choirboys and ultimately chief of the hunters, is Ralph’s principal antagonist. Described as having a full head of red hair, wearing a black cloak and bullying his way through the boys, his role as a villain is fairly clear from the beginning. Jack is destined to be the primary cause of destruction on the island; however, he is not presented as a one-dimensional monster. Golding forges a more complex and subsequently more credible character than that. Jack does, for instance, feel some regrets for the blood on his hands. But before long he represses and noble instincts and embraces a life of savagery. He makes the psychological break symbolically when he baptizes himself with the blood of a slaughtered pig. With the exception of Ralph, Piggy, and a few others, he eventually lures the other boys to follow him in a life consecrated in blood, a life which will lead them to multiple murders. Abstractly, Jack represents the bestial instinct of the human being unrestrained by any rational Control. Jack is a devil because of the savage ways he acts like the red hair, painted faces, the savage pig hunts, the rituals, sacrifices, and the terrorist acts. Jack is evil because of him being always murderous. He is always wanting to hunt things and not care what happens to the animal. Once he gets incharge of his own group he paints his face and his red hair make him look like the devil. He uses threating comments to get other people join his group. And he goes on savage acts like going and beating up Ralph and Piggy for Piggy’s glasses. Jack is always bulling his way through all the boys like he forces Piggy to give him Piggy’s glasses. Jack is evil like when he sees that it is beginning to get dark and he unexpectedly orders the tribe to do its dance. All the boys leap up and step wildly around the blazing fire, waving their weapons. They intone a bloodcurdling chant and become wilder and wilder. That’s some of the savagery that Jack does in this book. Jack is like the devil because of the savage things that he does and the nasty ways that he treats people like Piggy. That is what I would think that is why Jack is like the devil†¦.

Philosophy Essay Essay

Alan Chalmers, a British-Australian philosopher of science and best-selling author, suggests a common view of science by which scientific knowledge is ‘reliable’ and ‘objectively proven’ knowledge that is derived from facts of experience, experimental procedure and observations. This essay aims to discuss the problems that are likely to be highlighted by a Popperian hypothetico-deductivist when confronted with Chalmers’ adverse views on the validity of the scientific method. Both Alan Chalmers and Karl Popper – renowned for the development of hypothetico-deductivist/falsificationist account of science – represent the two major, contradictory theories (falsification and induction) regarding the functionality of science. I will be structuring my argument around these two models and the several complications surrounding the inductivist’s account of science that are seemingly solved by Popper’s alternative. In order to gain a thorough understanding of the topic being discussed, let me provide an introduction to inductivism, the issues raised by this method and the falsificationist account that aimed to solve these issues. Introduced by Ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle (5th century BC), induction is a process that begins with the observation of natural phenomena and ends with the assembly of a scientific law to describe the general regularity of said phenomena. This intuitive process was accepted within the scientific community for centuries yet the basis of Aristotle’s method relies entirely on human ability to simply observe natural phenomena, see a pattern and make observational statements. If there were to exist a large number of observational statements that were repeated under several varying circumstances in which no conflicting observation was made, these observational statements could then be promoted to universal or generalised statements that refer to all events of a particular kind given certain conditions (SCIE1000 Lectures Notes, 2014). Now to address the problems associated with this account of the scientific method that might be pinpointed by hypothetico-deductivists when confronted  with Chalmers’ view: the problem of induction, the questionable objectivity of this method and whether it can provide any certainty about laws that govern our universe. Chalmers states that, â€Å"scientific knowledge is reliable knowledge because it is objectively proven knowledge (Chalmers, 1976).† Due to the fact that inductive inferences are based on observations of natural phenomena, a crucial assumption of the uniformity of nature – which cannot be proven – must be made, meaning that there is always room for contradictory evidence to arise. Similarly, the problem of induction refers to the inability to classify knowledge gained by inductive methods as either a priori (logical or mathematical reasoning, requiring no previous worldly experience) or a posteriori (requires some knowledge of worldly happenings) as the former would be an uninformed, irrational statement and the latter would require knowledge of every possible happening in the universe in order to justify the law at hand. For this reason, there is absolutely no certainty provided by this process, as there is always the probability that future contradictory observations may deem any inductive inference invalid. The weakened principle of inductive inference then states that, at best, the inductivist method gives a probability of an event occurring given specific circumstances (SCIE1000 Lectures Notes, 2014). Chalmers also boldly claims that his common view of science is unquestionably objective and that speculative imaginings play no role in this process; however, there is obvious subjectivity evident in the discovery of scientific hypotheses. The subjectivity of speculative imaginings expressed by an individual experiencing a brief moment of intuitive thought processes allows consideration of an hypotheses that may have otherwise been overlooked. As a response to inductivism and the problems recognized with this method, Karl Popper proposed a knew scientific method that aims to establish the best current ‘law’ available at a given time until it is falsified – hypothetico-deductivism or falsification. The name itself, hypothetico-deductivism, explains the process of stating bold, testable ‘laws’/hypotheses and drawing deductive inferences regarding the hypothesis’ ability to withstand exposure to rigorous testing and attempts to falsify  it. So, rather than attempting to prove the legitimacy of scientific laws fabricated by intuitive induction, falsificationism aims to deduce the best, current law to describe natural phenomena based on the inability to falsify it, therefore making the current provisional law acceptable until a time when it is falsified by conflicting evidence. Falsification effectively trumps the method of induction as it strives to provide information about the world and its ‘laws’ by outlining what they are not rather than making grand generalisations about universal happenings when acknowledging only a portion of the evidence that could possible be out there. Unfortunately, due to the complex nature of science, similarly to inductivism, falsification is not a flawless method. In my opinion however, I find the method of falsification convincingly more rational and commonsensical than inductivism. Due to limitations of space, I will explain briefly one of the few issues associated with falsificationism. The issue at hand that is faced by the method of falsification is that, â€Å"Popper presents cases where one theory is being tested against our experimental data, but hypotheses are tested in groups. When we â€Å"test† a theory, we are assuming a lot of other theories in the background (SCIE1000 Lectures Notes, 2014).† The issue then is that if anomalous data is encountered, should it be derived that the entire theory – consisting of several individual hypotheses – is rejected and if not, how is an individual hypothesis isolated from the rest? This rejection of a theory, in my opinion, doesn’t have detrimental affects to our understanding of science as this particular theory may be falsified yet the creation of a new, falsifiable theory is not out of the question. Also, unlike Chalmers, however, falsificationism does not claim any degree of certainty or ‘proof’ of their claims which compels me to believe that Popper had a greater grasp on the uncertainty that is the universe. Conclusively, Popper’s response to Chalmers’ claim that science is reliable due to its objectively proven nature using inductivism would highlight three key issues and propose how his method of falsification solves these issues. The problem of induction that occurs within inductivism – the inability to classify inductive inference as either a priori or a posteriori – and also  the assumption of uniformity of nature are abolished in Popper’s method where all scientific laws have the ability to be falsified upon the observation of new, contradictory evidence. Although falsification is unable to provide any degree of certainty, it does not make bold claims about the workings of the universe that are likely to be uniformed and incorrect. And lastly, objectification is dismissed in falsification, as the method by which a hypothesis was created is irrelevant to whether or not the claim can be provisionally accepted or rejected based on real-world observ ations. Bibliography Chalmers, A. (1976). What is this thing called science?. 1st ed. St. Lucia, Q.: University of Queensland Press. SCIE1000 Lecture Notes (2014). 7th ed. Brisbane: University of Queensland, pp.187-225.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Australian Surging Housing Prices

The surging housing prices in Australia is spearheaded by the acceleration in the Sydney Australian, the largest as well as the most expensive market. As reflected in the most recent Home Value Index by CoreLogic RP Data, the capital city has its housing prices surging by 1.6 percent in May. This shot in housing prices left the rise over the first five months of the year at five percent (Draper 2000). The medium dwelling price in Australia across the nation pegs at $580,000. The trend has shown no slowdown but has rather bucked the anticipation from the various parties early in the year that prices of houses were due to deteriorating. The surging price is a clear manifestation of the high rise construction booms beginning to influence the values of the apartments (Karantonis and Janet Ge 2007). A greater proportion of the price surging evolved from free prices that lurched 1.8 percent thereby overwhelming a smaller 0.1 percent rise in units. The strong 3.1 percent growth in Sydney that accounted for the gains witnessed in May that took median dwelling price to $782,000. The past quarter saw the prices in Sydney jumping by a record 6.6 percent leaving the gain over the previous year at 13.1 percent. The prices of housing outside Sydney in all capital except Perth recorded gains of between 0.1- and 2.5 percent (Duca, Muellbauer and Murphy 2010). Despite being far below the pace witnessed in Sydney over the same period, there was a thirteen percent price surging by May 2015, and this was the fasted annual pace across Australia. The price leaped by 0.1 percent in Brisbane while it shot 0.7 percent in Darwin. In Canberra and Hobart, the surging were 2.2 percent and 2.5 percent in that order. Perth which is the most exposed capital to the mining sector fortunes and it went on record as the single capital to have recorded a decrease in the prices of the housing of 2.7 percent. Since May 2012, Australian Housing prices have increased by 36.6 percent with Sydney recording a surging of 57.5%, the steepest rise over the period (Rahman 2008). The record in Sydney showed that it outpaced gains of 18.5% and 39.4% for Brisbane and Melbourne respectively that took third and second spots.  Ã‚   From the above table, the monthly, annual, as well as quarterly changes in the prices of house crossways Australia's capital besides the current median value per city, have been revealed. It has been suggested by Lawless, the leader of research at CoreLogic that a rise in investor operations ahead of the federal election probably accounted or hastening in property prices in Sydney in May. It has been noted that the degree to which the investors fuel the recent outpouring in Sydney home value is challenging to quantify (Rahman 2008). Nevertheless, the data from housing finance to March demonstrated that investors have been trending upward since hitting the latest trough in November 2015 at 42.9 percent as a proportion of the whole new mortgage mitments. Data drawn from March indicates that investors currently entail 47.6 percent of the whole new mortgage obligations that is the highest proportional reading since August 2015 (Rahman 2008).  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Other factors that have led to surging prices include short-term factors (interest rates, investment demand, and economic climate) institutional factors (financial deregulation as well as innovation, land supply as well as land-use planning system and government taxes, levies as well as charges). Long term factors include demography, wealth effects and economic growth. The Australian government can embrace various macroeconomic factors to guarantee housing affordability to the young generation. It has been shown that government taxes, charges, and levies account for the surges in housing prices (Rahman 2008). The government imposes taxes, levies a well as charges at all levels in Australia on the urban land development and development. Investors, therefore, face such costs as developer levies, stamp duty on both transfer and sale of land as well as land tax alongside GST on new house construction as well as renovation of the existing houses. The government can subsidize the housing sectors through reduction of these costs to ensure that developers do pass these burden to the eventual housing prices. This will reduce the ‘total indirect task take’ which is noted to be above $124,000 in Sydney and over $88,000 in Melbourne. Without this, this cost will add up to a remarkable ponent of prices of house and hence the lack of affordability of the housing for the young generation (Rahman 2008). Both land prices and affordability correlate with the price of land that is determined by the developed urban land supply. The supply of residential land is influenced by the cost of development, the land development industry structure, and rules as well as the effectiveness of the land-use planning system (Ge and Williams 2015). The government has the power to control land uses which impact on both availability of developed land as well as the related cost of such lands. Since it takes quite some time to bring the underdeveloped land into mercial use besides the lags cost by government regulation on land use which decreases the short-term responsiveness of land supply to immediate land demand pressure, there is a need for the government to waive or reduce the lag (Draper 2000). Reducing this land would mean that the inelastic short-term price of supply is eliminated. Accordingly, since it the short-term price inelasticity of supply is an accelerator of price surging, its removal wil l result in affordable housing prices for the young generation (Oster and Miller 2005).    The government can also respond to increase in housing prices through interest manipulations. This is because for a given level of price, the rates of interest means reduced mortgages repayments. With a reduction in repayment, developers have increased the opportunity of borrowing at any repayment to- i e ratio. The effect of this would be a rise in the demand, and hence housing prices increase ceteris paribus. Conversely, a surged rate of interest will ease the demand (Bourassa, Hendershott and Murphy 2001). The effect would be either stagnating prices, a moderate rise in price or declining prices depending on the aggregated influence of other factors. The government should control the prices of the housing by ensuring a high but stable interest rate so as to eliminate the influence that nominal mortgage rate of interest has on real house price surging both in the short- and long-term. This action will try to weaken the lasting effect that lower rates of interest have had on prices rise in the previous years that are still being felt to date through hiked housing price in the country (Bourassa and Hendershott 2005). The government can also make sure that housing is affordable by controlling the wealth effect. Every society perceives housing as a central store of wealth. It is acknowledged that gross housing assets account for over 50% of the total personal wealth in Australia. Owner occupier, as well as landlord-investors, have a feeling of wealth when the prices of the existing houses are hiking (wealth effect) resulting in a rise in consumption spending (Bewley, Dvornak and Livera 2004). Accordingly, the aggregate demand and hence economic growth results in support of the increasing prices of the house via a self-reinforcing cycle. The current surging in prices have resulted from this and hence the government must not allow this to continue into the future. The government should curb the wealth effect by ensuring that prices of the existing housing do not shoot (Badcock 2009). The government needs to make sure that cases of decreased supply of affordable private rental housing, dwindling suppl y of social housing as well as prolonged time consumed to release new land are eliminated since all these are an essential recipe for lurching house prices in Australia. The stamp duty concession, grant and cash assistance to the occupants by Federal Government First Home Owners are only but costly failures as they have perpetuated increase in expensive houses (Badcock 2004). These policies have failed as they only work on the ‘demand side’ of the housing market with no precise and significant rise in the supply of affordable housing. The government must focus on affordability policies that tend to increase housing supply especially low-cost housing. Reduction of the duration taken to bring land and housing to market must receive particular attention henceforth. The desirable land supply a panied by proper transport facilities and infrastructure alongside the affordable rental housing supply has to be enhanced. The government must give support to the marginal purchasers via appropriate assistance to dwell in their homes (Ahearne et al. 2005). The government needs to develop a national affordable housing strategy that will be helpful in the reduction of housing stress alongside housing crises in Australia.   Ahearne, A.G., Ammer, J., Doyle, B.M., Kole, L.S. and Martin, R.F., 2005. House prices and monetary policy: A cross-country study. International finance discussion papers, 841. Badcock, B., 2004. ‘Snakes or Ladders?’: The Housing Market and Wealth Distribution in Australia. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 18(4), pp.609-627. Badcock, B., 2009. An Australian view of the rent gap hypothesis. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 79(1), pp.125-145. Bewley, R., Dvornak, N. and Livera, V., 2004. House price spirals: Where the buck starts. mSec, monwealth Bank, Sydney. Bourassa, S.C. and Hendershott, P.H., 2005. Australian capital city real house prices, 1979–1993. Australian Economic Review, 28(3), pp.16-26. Bourassa, S.C., Hendershott, P.H. and Murphy, J., 2001. Further evidence on the existence of housing market bubbles. Journal of Property Research, 18(1), pp.1-19. Draper, D.A.G., 2000. Rent control and the efficiency of the housing market. Duca, J.V., Muellbauer, J. and Murphy, A., 2010. Housing markets and the financial crisis of 2007–2009: lessons for the future. Journal of Financial Stability, 6(4), pp.203-217. Ge, X.J. and Williams, B., 2015. House Price Determinants in Sydney (No. eres2015-230). European Real Estate Society (ERES). Karantonis, A. and Janet Ge, X., 2007. An empirical study of the determinants of Sydney’s dwelling price. Pacific Rim Property Research Journal, 13(4), pp.493-509. Oster, A. and Miller, P.W., 2005. House Prices-Drivers and Links to the Broader Economy: Rational or Irrational Exuberance. [Department of] Economics, University of Western Australia. Rahman, M.M., 2008. Australian housing market: causes and effects of rising price. In Proceedings of the 37th Australian Conference of Economists (ACE 2008). Economic Society of Australia (Queensland).Â